Change your Mentality : Motivational Speech


The biggest war you'll ever go through is right between your ears.

It's in your mind. The mind's a very powerful thing it has a tactical advantage over you

all the time.

It knows where you don't want to go so it will guide you away from that.

And that's why the mind will always win. Until you f*cking reprogram it.

You gotta figure out a way to reprogram your mind to get outside the box.

Whatever my mind said I don't want to do I realized I must do that.

The greats do things when they don't always want to. And that's the separation.

Without discipline you're nothing.

And discipline is doing what you hate to do but doing it as you love it.

'Cause really, the only person that you're fighting every day is yourself.

It's not your boss it's not this or that yeah, those are all obstacles a lot of them,

you cannot control those obstacles. But you can control yourself.

We have to regain control of our minds. How you gain mental toughness and

how you become the person you want to be is constantly facing the things that you

don't want to face. The only way anything gets accomplished you gotta work hard.

I can't remember what the f*ck's in this paragraph to pass this test to get in the military

read it again.

Still not getting to read it again.

But if you're not getting it right it's out.

And guess what happened? I got it.

I can't swim I'm negative buoyant.

Go back again. I can't swim.

Go back again. Go back again.

Go back again. I got it.

I realized if I keep going back and going back and going back my mind will say f*ck

okay we're gonna figure it out because he is not going to stop. To find real permanent

peace you first must go through suffering. You must go to the dark side of who you are.

Every day I demand more from myself than anybody else could expect.

I don't compete with other people I compete with what I'm capable of.

A person that's obsessed and wants to just get there

they don't give a f*ck what the temperature is.

They no longer care 'cause they know, no matter what's out there no matter if it's snowing

if it's a damn tropical storm if it's 20 below they don't care they're gonna run. It doesn't matter

what the f*ck's out there what's in front of me I'm just gonna go. 

And that's how you wanna get your mind. You have to train your brain by doing things that

make you uncomfortable consistently to build this mindset that when things get hard

we don't shy away we don't quit we attack. I'm seeing through all those walls I'm getting to

where I wanna go. You have to visualize the connection between what you're doing on a

day-by-day basis with what you're wanting.

What do you want yourself to look like 10 years from now?

What do you want your bank account to look like?

What do you want to look like physically 6 months from now?

Or a year from now? You have to connect the dots.

You have to remind yourself that these little things that

you do are going to lead to the big things. If you think that you've given everything

you haven't. If you think you're working hard you're not working hard enough.

You can always do more.

You always have another gear another level of performance.

You can always push a little bit harder get up a little earlier and work a little longer.

Whatever it is you want more you have complete control over whether you get it or not.

People don't have limits. We put limits on ourselves.



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