“A lot of people think that divorce is because the woman fault" - UDARI KAUSHALYA


Udari Kaushalya is one of the most talked about characters in the Sri Lanka today. We find out that she is doing a new job on her own. She is a young woman who was previously married and divorced. So we ask her about that experience and what she thinks about it.

There are allegations of extramarital affairs in the divorces of noble actresses. Actually, I did not do that. I will continue to do that. I loved life. No one knows exactly how these things happened. Be happy No. My life was dragged to the ground. The way I was dragged, I took a big leap.

If someone accuses you of harming someone's life. In such a situation, if I did something wrong, the guilty party would accuse me. There can be many different reasons for this.



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