Many people ask me what were the mistakes that I made when finding my personal style so that they can avoid those mistakes themselves. There’s definitely some that I want to review with you today on once that I would say to avoid with that said there is nothing wrong with play full experimentation when it comes to fashion or design or life,

               “In life the ties when we are not afraid to fail are the times we actually are brave enough to try things.”

Possibly regret some things along the way and at the end of the day understand fully what your personal style is or you know whatever your solution that you are trying to figure out for your life. So there’s a really broader discussion here that we could go really deep on but today I just want to talk through what were the mistakes that I personally made when starting over on my personal style and the one’s that I definitely made before I even ventured off into my personal style. So let us get started with the first mistake.



I used to wonder why some people would be so carefully observant of which colors they can wear and which ones they can’t wear for me I was like why is it that people say things like “oh, orange is just not my color.”  I was like why cannot I wear oranges like are their colors that I am not supposed to ever wear. So I rather avoided all of the skin color undertones of skin sorts of an assessment. I found them messy and complex not necessarily. Something I needed to live my life by in a way that was a mistake to not understand that because when I would try on somethings that like a nice gray sweater. I would think why do I feel completely washed out in this like why does it seem off why do I feel like my dark circles are showing up more and that was because it’s not necessarily about colors that I can’t wear that are off-limits.

There are undertones to each color that I should avoid as well as other ones. That I should gravitate toward so what that means is if there is a certain shade of pink that is cool being that, I have warm skin. I should avoid the cool version of pink. I can do the same with green so instead of moving toward a cool green like an ivy. I can then move more toward a color that is a little bit more suited to my skin undertone like more of a grassy green or an olive and so knowing that without making it too complex is great. So if you have cool or warm tones to your skin, no matter of skin color itself, there are undertones to your skin that you can then cater your wardrobe toward and that actually makes buying decisions a little bit easier the more you can be like nope, nope, yes, yes.  So that is really the mistake I wish that I would have not made had I started sooner knowing my skin undertones. I have pale skin too. So it’s really hard to know if I had cool or warm tones to my skin because there isn’t a lot of pigment to my skin at all but then once I started making these small choices. I actually do have warm skin. It was much more informative to how I pick my outfits one more note on this if you like me prefer to wear neutral colors. Some versions are cool or warm tones to each neutral color. That you can opt for instead and that has made a big difference to me like when I was referring to wearing gray. There are versions of grays. That could be more suited for my skin than something cool like a cool steely gray. So if you feel like neutrals do not work well on your skin undertones then just think about it that way it is more about which version to take it warm or cool.




The next mistake that I made before I started over on my personal style is not sticking to a color palette for my wardrobe. Now that can seem like something unnecessary it also could seem like if you have fewer colors to choose from in your wardrobe then maybe you will have fewer things that match. In addition, I think that the knee-jerk response to that or reaction is that maybe if I just add an increase of all the different colors that are possible for me. Then I will have more color combinations to choose from and more outfits the opposite is the way to go.

You want to limit your color palette so that more pieces in your wardrobe match with each other and that was a game-changer for me. When I started over in my personal style really making a signature collection to my wardrobe to start within and then from there adding thing seasonally. If I want to experiment with pink then that would be in springtime on sweaters and that sort of thing. So really think about it that way a color palette is very important to have and you get to define what is best suited to your skin tone to your lifestyle. I personally had a lot of success with just pairing back colors and almost making a neutral color palette for my core closed. Because if you have to have a storefront and your closet is now your storefront right. You would have every single item in your inventory be a black, white, or brown version. That then you can build upon from there and if you really love a shirt then explore another color option but do not make too many color decisions that go beyond. Just something, that could be basic and timeless. So that you do not regret those purchases later on.



Of course, budget part of the discussion when it comes to buying quality but you should always buy. The best quality that you can afford I have had my moments in life especially when I was in college and then after college, I had just this mountain of like a mortgage size worth of student loan debt. I had to make very careful decisions when it came to what I bought for my clothes now with that said I started to move in this direction of okay. I have budgeted thirty dollars for a shirt for a total of thirty dollars. I should buy a 30-dollar shirt that I number one love so much more and take care of so much better. In addition, these seem were unusually more reinforced than the three shirts that probably would not have lasted very long. When they would create, holes, because the fabric was really thin again the seams inside, would probably start ripping. Therefore, if I could buy a shirt that would last three times longer than that was worth it versus something that was like a bargain in the deal I also took a lot more pride in the shirt that was more expensive. I took you to know better care of it for sure but I just felt more confident wearing it and that little luxury then turned into a lifestyle for me and now. It has been four years since I started over on my personal style and now. I have an inventory of a beautiful wardrobe that I love each piece feels like an art piece and because these items have been quality purchases. They have not torn apart on me like it’s very rare for something that I‘ve bought that is quality to just fall apart at the seams and now.

 I have a collection of timeless ones that have not broken down some good examples of this are a couple of pieces that I am actually wearing today. Therefore, this is a trench that I have had since 2017 and so are the pants. These pants I bought on day one when I started over on my personal style and they have been a core piece that I have had and they really have not worn down at all and so I have taken pride in taking care of them well. As well as the seams being reinforced and the quality and the timelessness. If the timelessness of the colors these are all things that I considered as intentional decisions early on that I made mistakes on before I started on my personal style. So just, think of quality while you are moving forward with finding your own style.



Some people watch my series on how to look taller and slimmer and they think that they can only dress by those sets of rigid rules. I do not even do that I use those as guidelines and then it is helpful to know that as I progress through finding my unique style now. How I do that is by addressing this idea of irony. If I dress in an ironic style then I can find something unique to me. Therefore, what do I mean by that well it comes from this idea of how writers of a play or a movie would use irony? So let’s think of this like you are writing a movie, dramatic irony is considered incongruity between a situation that’s developed in a drama like a movie and the accompanying words or actions that’s understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play. Therefore, that is a lot but let me explain it quickly.

Let us say that you are the writer you and the audience both understand that there are ways to lengthen an outfit to make yourself look taller and slimmer through little tricks of optical illusions like wearing the same color of shoes to your skin tone if you are showing ankle those types of little tricks. However, the irony is understanding that those are still true and then reassessing them in ways that are not as kind as battling those ideas. In addition, how you do that is that you still keep in mind things like balance proportion or a color scheme. Where you are repeating some colors throughout an outfit. So yes, it is helpful to wear the same color of shoes to your skin. If you are exposing a little bit of your foot or your ankle or your leg and that with lengthen. However, if you do not, you do this with something that is like a chunky shoe, and the rest of you looks lengthened well that is a little bit more ironic. Therefore, it is a wonderful way to just explore your own personal style. Because you have already learned, those guidelines, rules, and you are moving past them in a way that says thank you rules. However, I also want to try this other thing so again you are the writer you get to identify what is going on in this play.

The characters are wearing and get to define what would naturally be accustomed to wearing something that is lengthening and slimming and those would be the traditional ways. that the character would dress but then also you get to invent what’s ironic about it. What are you going to switch out what are you going to do that moves beyond who the characters truly are and what would be true to ghee nature to wear? The audience will understand this. The audience is people who view your outfit in your day-to-day life and they will be like oh my gosh I totally get that maybe you reinvented some things maybe you switch some things out and it is so cool and unexpected. That is an ironic style.



This mistake goes back to the idea I talked about in the intro that it is okay to have playful experimentation with your style. I really believe in that because if you do not allow yourself to experiment with things that would really push your uniqueness out there. Then it is hard to ever find it or feel like you love your outfits. I have an example of this. When I was trying on my wedding dress, I needed a pick out a veil. Like, check the box for the veil. In addition, I was like do I really want to even wear a veil-like. I do not know about the proofs and the fluffs and the lace-like it will be overwhelming because I am like five foot one. I definitely did not even want to wear heels that day because I am like. I am not tripling in front of everybody. Therefore, I wore these like ballet flats. Anyways when I tried on the veil. I tried on like a little one, I am like Nan, and just for kicks, and I tried on the floor-length one that then cascaded three feet past where my feet landed on the ground.

In addition, I loved it so much. I just felt like princes wearing the veil, so that is why if I had never tried it on my wedding day. Would have not been the same and I would not have felt fully myself had I not been wearing that and that is just one example. This is true of every day when I am exploring outfits you do not have to go out and buy many things that would then further express who you are to the world but you can look in your own closet and find and reinvent new ways to wear things. The other day I wore a scarf on my head underneath a fedora that many people probably would not want to wear. These are ways where I have fully expressed who I am to the world especially at that moment, in that day. So you can experiment with things do not be afraid to try things in front of the mirror do not be afraid to even buy some things. That you probably would have thought that is you know it is not me, it is just I am scared to wear it. Therefore, instead, try it check the refund policy. there is probably no harm in just trying something and sending it back and just having tried that at least once to see for yourself what your personal style is and what different things that you wear will say about you. Especially the intangible of how you wear it. 



Source: YouTube / Dearly Bethany



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